Ode to joy

A local equivalent of Murphy’s law in Communist Romania stated that, if you had been waiting long enough for a bus to come and decided to light a cigarette, the bus would come before you even had the time to enjoy your cancer stick.

I was confronted with yet another proof of this perverse natural law last week, as I was trying to start my new life as a student at Stanford without any luggage or other form of wardrobe. It had already been 6 days since KLM was tracking my two suitcases and their customer support website was showing the same disconcerting message “Tracking continues. Please check back later.”

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Remember, remember, that day of September

There was an awkward silence last Sunday morning around the deserted Stanford campus. Except for the flag displayed at half-staff in the White Plaza and a moving moving performance of Mozart’s Requiem by Schola Cantorum at the Stanford Memorial Church, the day seemed to pass like any other. The minute of silence observed nation-wide at 8:46 EST, the time when the first plane hit the North Tower, went unnoticed as most of the West Coast was probably still asleep at the time. Overall, I had the feeling that this important anniversary was somehow understated here, where business seemed to carry on as usual. But was it?

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Incipit vita nova

“I bet you’ll be wearing short pants and flip-flops in no time after you arrive at Stanford”,my friend Cosana kidded last year, when I made a nasty comment on the Americans’ (and Californians’ in particular) preference for dressing down. “Wanna bet?”, I retorted, quite sure I wouldn’t be adopting the casual uniform of the Stanford student, y compris the loathed flip-flops, so easily. Well, it turns out Cosana’s prediction was not far from reality.

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Povestea merge mai departe

Până când încep cursurile, am hotărât să mă apuc și aici de lucrul la care se pare că mă pricep cel mai bine. Mi-am făcut un blog, pe care-l găsiți la bucurenci.com. Voi prelua cele mai multe însemnări și aici pe blog, așa că nu e nevoie să mai adăugați un titlu în cititorul de RSS-uri, am să fac excepție doar cu acele însemnări despre care nu cred că-i vor interesa foarte mult pe cititorii din România.

Noul blog e în limba engleză, nu din vreo fiță sau dintr-un exces de comoditate, ci pentru că am nevoie de exercițiu în stăpânirea acestei limbi. Din respect pentru cititorii care nu vorbesc limba română, am să vă rămân recunoscător dacă veți scrie în limba engleză atunci când comentați pe bucurenci.com. Pe bucurenci.ro limba oficială, ca să zic așa, rămâne româna.

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