/** * File: pathfinder.cpp * -------------------- * Path finder algorithm implemented * as part of the "Programming abstractions" * class (CS 106B) taken at Stanford. * Please note that only the main class was written entirely by me, * some of the other classes and interfaces were provided * as part of the assignment. * The final program also includes a library of classes, * which was provided as part of the assignment * and which I did not include here. */
#include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "console.h" #include "pathfinder-graph.h" #include "pathfinder-graphics.h" #include "error.h" #include "gwindow.h" #include "map.h" #include "pqueue.h" #include "point.h" #include "tokenscanner.h" #include "set.h" #include "simpio.h" #include "strlib.h" #include <vector.h> #include "stdlib.h" // for atof #include "path.h" using namespace std;
static void giveInstructions(); static void newMap(PathfinderGraph& g); void readGraphFromFile(ifstream& infile, PathfinderGraph& g);
static void Dijkstra(PathfinderGraph& g); static void Dijkstra(const GPoint& pt, PathfinderGraph& g); void findShortestPath(Node* origin, const Node* destination, PathfinderGraph& g); double getPathCost(const Vector<Arc *>& path);
static void quitAction(); void drawGraph(PathfinderGraph& g); void printGraph(PathfinderGraph& g);
static const string kStarter_Map = "data-files/USA.txt"; static const int kClick_Tolerance = 5;
string getFileName(ifstream & infile, const string prompt);
/** * Function: main * -------------- * Defines the entry point for the entire application. */ int main() { GWindow gw(kWindowWidth, kWindowHeight + kControlStripHeight); initPathfinderGraphics(gw); giveInstructions(); PathfinderGraph g; ifstream infile; infile.open(kStarter_Map.c_str()); readGraphFromFile(infile, g); drawPathfinderMap(g.getMapFile()); drawGraph(g); addButton("Quit", quitAction); addButton("Map", newMap, g); addButton("Dijkstra", Dijkstra, g); pathfinderEventLoop(); return 0; }
/** * Function: giveInstructions * Usage: giveInstructions(); * -------------------------- * Describes the Pathfinder assignment on the console. This text has * been retained in its original form to preserve the assignment history. */ static void giveInstructions() { cout << "This masterful piece of work is a graph extravaganza!" << endl; cout << "The main attractions include a lovely visual presentation" << endl; cout << "of the graph along with an implementation of Dijkstra's" << endl; cout << "shortest path algorithm and Kruskal's computation of" << endl; cout << "a minimal spanning tree. Enjoy!" << endl << endl; }
/** * newMap */
static void newMap(PathfinderGraph& g) { g.clear(); ifstream infile; string filename = getFileName(infile, "Please enter name of graph data file: "); readGraphFromFile(infile, g); drawPathfinderMap(g.getMapFile()); drawGraph(g); printGraph(g); }
/** * This function assumes that the data file is well formed. */
void readGraphFromFile(ifstream& infile, PathfinderGraph& g) { string mapName; getline(infile, mapName); //cout << "Map name: " << mapName << endl; g.setMapFile(mapName); string newLine; getline(infile, newLine); // get 'NODES" //cout << newLine << endl; getline(infile, newLine); // get first node while (newLine != "ARCS") { TokenScanner ts(newLine); ts.ignoreWhitespace(); ts.scanNumbers(); Node *newNode = new Node; newNode->name = ts.nextToken(); GPoint loc = GPoint(stringToInteger(ts.nextToken()), stringToInteger(ts.nextToken())); newNode->loc = loc; g.addNode(newNode); //cout << newNode->name << loc.getX() << "; " << loc.getY() << endl; getline(infile, newLine); } //cout << newLine << endl; getline(infile, newLine); // get first arc while (!infile.eof()) { TokenScanner ts(newLine); ts.ignoreWhitespace(); ts.scanNumbers(); Arc *newArc = new Arc; Arc *mirrorArc = new Arc; mirrorArc->finish = newArc->start = g.getNode(ts.nextToken()); mirrorArc->start = newArc->finish = g.getNode(ts.nextToken()); mirrorArc->cost = newArc->cost = atof(ts.nextToken().c_str()); g.addArc(newArc); g.addArc(mirrorArc); //cout << newArc->start->name << " " << newArc->finish->name << " " << newArc->cost << endl; //cout << mirrorArc->start->name << " " << mirrorArc->finish->name << " " << mirrorArc->cost << endl; getline(infile, newLine); } }
static void Dijkstra(PathfinderGraph& g) { cout << "Please click on the origin and destination cities to find the cheapest path between them." << endl; defineClickListener(Dijkstra, g); }
static void Dijkstra(const GPoint& pt, PathfinderGraph& g) { int x = pt.getX(); int y = pt.getY(); for (Node* node : g.getNodeSet()) { if ( ((node->loc.getX() - kClick_Tolerance ) < x) && (x < (node->loc.getX() + kClick_Tolerance )) && ((node->loc.getY() - kClick_Tolerance ) < y) && (y < (node->loc.getY() + kClick_Tolerance )) ) { if (g.getHighlightedNode() == NULL) { drawGraph(g); cout << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << endl; cout << "Your chosen origin is " << node->name << "." << endl; g.setHighlightedNode(node); drawPathfinderNode(node->loc, kHighlightColor); } else { Node* origin = g.getHighlightedNode(); cout << "Your chosen destination is " << node->name << "." << endl << endl; g.setHighlightedNode(NULL); drawPathfinderNode(node->loc, kHighlightColor); findShortestPath(origin, node, g); } break; } } }
void findShortestPath(Node* origin, const Node* destination, PathfinderGraph& g) { cout << "Finding the cheapest path between " << origin->name << " and " << destination->name << "..." << endl; Path* path = new Path; PQueue<Path *> queue; Node* start = origin; Map<string, double> fixed; while (start != destination) { if (!fixed.containsKey(start->name)) { fixed.put(start->name, path->getCost()); cout << "Fix the cost to " << start->name << " at " << path->getCost() << endl; cout << "Process the arcs out of " << start->name << " ("; int arcs = 0; for (Arc *arc : start->arcs) { cout << arc->finish->name; if (++arcs < start->arcs.size()) cout << ", "; } cout << ")" << endl; for (Arc *arc : start->arcs) { if (!fixed.containsKey(arc->finish->name)) { path->addArc(arc); queue.enqueue(path, path->getCost()); //cout << " " << "Enqueue the path: " << arc->start->name << " -> " // << arc->finish->name << "(" << arc->cost << ")" << endl; path->removeLast(); } else cout << "Ignore " << arc->finish->name << " because its cost is known." << endl; } } else cout << "Ignore " << origin->name << " because its cost is known." << endl; if (queue.isEmpty()) { path->clear(); break; } path = queue.extractMin(); //cout << "Dequeue the cheapest path: " << path.toString() << " (" << path.getCost() << ")." << endl; start = path->getLast()->finish; } if (path->isEmpty()) cout << endl << "This is too daunting a task for a modest computer like me. " << "Please stop tormenting me and choose two distinct cities." << endl << endl; else { cout << endl << "The cheapest path between " << origin->name << " and " << destination->name << " is: " << path->toString() << "." << endl << endl; } }
double getPathCost(const Vector<Arc *>& path) { double cost = 0; for (Arc *arc : path) { cost += arc->cost; } return cost; }
/** * Function: quitAction * Usage: quitAction(g); * --------------------- * Called when the user clicks the Quit button in the control strip. */ static void quitAction() { exitGraphics(); }
/** * Gets a new map file name from the user and opens the file. * If the file does not exist, it prompts the user for another file name. * Same if the file cannot be opened. * Returns the file name. */ string getFileName(ifstream & infile, const string prompt) { while (true) { cout << prompt; string filename; cin >> filename; filename = string("data-files/") + filename; infile.open(filename.c_str()); if(!infile.fail()) return filename; infile.clear(); cout << "Unable to open the map file named " << filename << ". It may be missing or corrupted. Please select another file." << endl; } }
/** * Function: drawGraph * Usage: drawGraph(g); * ------------------- * Draws all the nodes and all the arcs of the graph. */ void drawGraph(PathfinderGraph& g) { for (Node* node : g.getNodeSet()) { drawPathfinderNode(node->loc, kNodeColor, node->name); } for (Arc* arc : g.getArcSet()) { drawPathfinderArc(arc->start->loc, arc->finish->loc, kArcColor); } }
/** * Helper Function: printGraph * Usage: printGraph(g); * --------------------------- * Prints all nodes and all arcs of the graph to the console. */ void printGraph(PathfinderGraph& g) { cout << endl << "PRINTING GRAPH: " << endl; cout << g.getMapFile() << endl; cout << "NODES" << endl; for (Node* node : g.getNodeSet()) { cout << node->name << " " << node->loc.getX() << " " << node->loc.getY() << endl; } cout << "ARCS " << endl; for (Arc* arc : g.getArcSet()) { cout << arc->start->name << " " << arc->finish->name << " " << arc->cost << endl; } } /*
* File: graphtypes.h * ------------------ * This file defines low-level data structures that represent graphs. */
#ifndef _graphtypes_h #define _graphtypes_h
#include <string> #include "gtypes.h" #include "map.h" #include "set.h"
struct Node; /* Forward references to these two types so */ struct Arc; /* that the C++ compiler can recognize them. */
/* * Type: SimpleGraph * ----------------- * This type represents a graph and consists of a set of nodes, a set of * arcs, and a map that creates an association between names and nodes. */
struct SimpleGraph { Set<Node *> nodes; Set<Arc *> arcs; Map<std::string, Node *> nodeMap; };
/* * Type: Node * ---------- * This type represents an individual node and consists of the * name of the node and the set of arcs from this node. */
struct Node { std::string name; Set<Arc *> arcs; GPoint loc; };
/* * Type: Arc * --------- * This type represents an individual arc and consists of pointers * to the endpoints, along with the cost of traversing the arc. */
struct Arc { Node *start; Node *finish; double cost; };
/** * File: pathfinder-graph.cpp * -------------------------- * Provides the (fairly obvious) implementation of * the PathfinderGraph class. */
#include "pathfinder-graph.h" using namespace std;
void PathfinderGraph::setMapFile(const string& filename) { mapFile = filename; highlightedNode = NULL; }
const string& PathfinderGraph::getMapFile() const { return mapFile; }
void PathfinderGraph::setHighlightedNode(Node *node) { highlightedNode = node; }
Node *PathfinderGraph::getHighlightedNode() const { return highlightedNode; }
/** * File: pathfinder-graphics.cpp * ----------------------------- * The pathfinder-graphics.cpp file implements a set of functions that help draw the * necessary parts of the Pathfinder maps. */
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include "gevents.h" #include "gobjects.h" #include "pathfinder-graphics.h" #include "gwindow.h" #include "point.h" using namespace std;
/* Constants */
const string kControlStripColor = "#E5E5E5"; const double kButtonWidth = 90; const double kButtonHeight = 29; const double kButtonSeparation = 6; const double kStartupDelay = 50;
/* Class for buttons */
class ActionButton : public GButton { public: ActionButton(const string& label, ButtonFunction *fn) : GButton(label) { this->fn = fn; }
void execute() { fn->execute(); }
private: ButtonFunction *fn; };
/* Global data */
static GWindow *gwp; static ClickFunction *clickHook = NULL; static double nextButtonX = kButtonSeparation;
/* Prototypes */
void drawCircle(double x, double y, double r); void fillCircle(double x, double y, double r);
/* Exported functions */
void initPathfinderGraphics(GWindow& gw) { gwp = &gw; GRect strip(0, kWindowHeight, kWindowWidth, kControlStripHeight); strip.setColor(kControlStripColor); strip.setFilled(true); gwp->draw(strip); gwp->setWindowTitle("Pathfinder"); pause(kStartupDelay); }
void drawPathfinderMap(const string& mapFile) { gwp->setColor("WHITE"); gwp->fillRect(0, 0, kWindowWidth, kWindowHeight); gwp->setColor("BLACK"); if (mapFile != "") { GImage map(mapFile); gwp->draw(map); } }
void drawPathfinderNode(const GPoint& center, const string& color, const string& str) { gwp->setColor(color); fillCircle(center.getX(), center.getY(), kNodeRadius); if (!str.empty()) { GLabel label(str); label.setFont(kLabelFont); label.setLocation(center.getX() + kNodeRadius + 2, center.getY() + 5); gwp->draw(label); } }
void drawPathfinderArc(const GPoint& start, const GPoint& end, const string& color) { gwp->setColor(color); gwp->drawLine(start.getX(), start.getY(), end.getX(), end.getY()); }
/* * Implementation notes: addButton * ------------------------------- * This function creates a button and adds it to the vector of buttons * at the next available position in the control strip. */
void addButton(const string& name, void (*actionFn)()) { addButton(name, new ButtonFunctionWithoutData(actionFn)); }
void addButton(const string& name, ButtonFunction *fn) { double x = nextButtonX; double y = kWindowHeight + (kControlStripHeight - kButtonHeight) / 2; ActionButton *button = new ActionButton(name, fn); button->setBounds(x, y, kButtonWidth, kButtonHeight); gwp->add(button); nextButtonX += kButtonWidth + kButtonSeparation; }
/* * Implementation notes: defineClickListener * ----------------------------------------- * This function designates a listener for mouse clicks in the window. */
void defineClickListener(void (*clickFn)(const GPoint& pt)) { defineClickListener(new ClickFunctionWithoutData(clickFn)); }
void defineClickListener(ClickFunction *callback) { clickHook = callback; }
void pathfinderEventLoop() { while (true) { GEvent e; waitForClick(e); if (e.getEventClass() == ACTION_EVENT) { ActionButton *bp = (ActionButton *) ((GActionEvent) e).getSource(); bp->execute(); } else if (e.getEventClass() == MOUSE_EVENT && clickHook != NULL) { GMouseEvent me = (GMouseEvent) e; if (me.getEventType() == MOUSE_CLICKED) { clickHook->execute(GPoint(me.getX(), me.getY())); } } } }
/* * Implementation notes: getMouseClick * ----------------------------------- * getMouseClick waits for the mouse button to go down and then up again, * at which point the function returns the mouse position at the time of * release. */
GPoint getMouseClick() { GMouseEvent e; waitForClick(e); return GPoint(e.getX(), e.getY()); }
/* Helper functions */
/* * Implementation notes: drawCircle, fillCircle * -------------------------------------------- * These functions are useful tools that draw an outlined and a filled * circle, respectively. If you are extending the Pathfinder assignment, * you might well want to export these methods through the gpathfinder.h * interface. */
void drawCircle(double x, double y, double r) { gwp->drawOval(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); }
void fillCircle(double x, double y, double r) { gwp->fillOval(x - r, y - r, 2 * r, 2 * r); }
/* * Implementation notes: Implementation of the callback classes * ------------------------------------------------------------ * The remaining functions in this file support the implementation * of the various callback classes. */
ButtonFunctionWithoutData::ButtonFunctionWithoutData(void (*fn)()) { this->fn = fn; }
void ButtonFunctionWithoutData::execute() { fn(); }
ClickFunctionWithoutData::ClickFunctionWithoutData(void (*fn)(const GPoint&)) { this->fn = fn; }
void ClickFunctionWithoutData::execute(const GPoint& pt) { fn(pt); }
/* * File: graphtypes.h * ------------------ * This file defines low-level data structures that represent graphs. */
#ifndef _graphtypes_h #define _graphtypes_h
#include <string> #include "gtypes.h" #include "map.h" #include "set.h"
struct Node; /* Forward references to these two types so */ struct Arc; /* that the C++ compiler can recognize them. */
/* * Type: SimpleGraph * ----------------- * This type represents a graph and consists of a set of nodes, a set of * arcs, and a map that creates an association between names and nodes. */
struct SimpleGraph { Set<Node *> nodes; Set<Arc *> arcs; Map<std::string, Node *> nodeMap; };
/* * Type: Node * ---------- * This type represents an individual node and consists of the * name of the node and the set of arcs from this node. */
struct Node { std::string name; Set<Arc *> arcs; GPoint loc; };
/* * Type: Arc * --------- * This type represents an individual arc and consists of pointers * to the endpoints, along with the cost of traversing the arc. */
struct Arc { Node *start; Node *finish; double cost; };
/* * File: path.h * ------------ * This file is the interface for a Path class, which consists of a * sequence of arcs. */
#include "pathfinder-graph.h" #include "hashset.h"
#ifndef _path_h #define _path_h
class Path {
Path(); ~Path(); void addArc(Arc* const arc); Arc *getLast() const; void removeLast(); void clear(); double getCost() const; string toString() const; bool isEmpty() const;
static const int kInitialArraySize = 10; Arc **arcs; double cost; int capacity; int size; void doubleCapacity(); };
/** * File: pathfinder-graph.h * ------------ * Exports a strongly typed subclass of the Graph template * that's Pathfinder-specific. */
#ifndef _pathfinder_graph_ #define _pathfinder_graph_
#include <string> #include "graph.h" // for template Graph class #include "graphtypes.h" // for struct Node
/** * Class: PathfinderGraph * ---------------------- * This class extends the standard Graph class so that the new * class incorporates the Node and Arc type parameters. The * extended data structure also includes an image file name for * the map and the ability to designate a particular node as * highlighted. */
class PathfinderGraph : public Graph<Node,Arc> { public: void setMapFile(const std::string& filename); const std::string& getMapFile() const; void setHighlightedNode(Node *node); Node *getHighlightedNode() const; private: std::string mapFile; Node *highlightedNode; };
/** * File: pathfinder-graphics.h * --------------------------- * The pathfinder-graphics.h file defines the interface for a set of functions * that help draw the necessary parts of the Pathfinder maps. The * pathfinder-graphics.h interface uses screen coordinates in which distances * on the screen are expressed in pixels and in which the origin in the * upper left corner of the window. Several of the functions defined * in this package use values of type GPoint, which is simply a pair of * x and y coordinate values, as defined in the point.h interface. * * This interface also exports several methods for creating buttons * in a control strip and for responding to button and mouse clicks. * The general approach parallels the standard model used in modern * event-driven systems. The client application creates a series of * buttons, each of which supplies a callback function that is * invoked whenever that button is clicked. The application then * calls pathfinderEventLoop, which waits for events generated in * response to user actions. */
#ifndef _pathfinder_graphics_ #define _pathfinder_graphics_
#include "gtypes.h" #include "gobjects.h"
/** * Constants * --------- * A few program-wide constants concerning the graphical display. * All coordinate values and distances are expressed in pixels. */
const int kWindowWidth = 655; const int kWindowHeight = 400; const int kControlStripHeight = 40; const double kNodeRadius = 3.5; /* Radius of the node circle */ const string kArcColor = "DarkGray"; /* Normal arc color */ const string kNodeColor = "Black"; /* Normal node color */ const string kHighlightColor = "Red"; /* Color of chosen path/nodes */ const string kDimColor = "Gray"; /* Color of unchosen path/nodes */ const string kLabelFont = "Helvetica-10"; /* Font for node labels */
/** * Function: initPathfinderGraphics * Usage: initPathfinderGraphics(); * -------------------------------- * Initializes the graphics window for Pathfinder. This call should * be the first statement in main. */ void initPathfinderGraphics(GWindow & gw);
/** * Function: drawPathfinderMap * Usage: drawPathfinderMap(mapFile); * ---------------------------------- * Clears the graphics window and then draws the image contained in * the specified image file, which will typically live in an images * subdirectory of the project directory. */ void drawPathfinderMap(const string& mapFile);
/** * Function: drawPathfinderNode * Usage: drawPathfinderNode(center, color, label); * ------------------------------------------------ * Draw a node circle whose center is at the coordinate position * specified by the first argument and that is filled in the specified * color. If a third argument is provided, the function draws a label * to the right of the circle containing the specified text. */ void drawPathfinderNode(const GPoint& center, const string& color, const string& label = "");
/** * Function: drawPathfinderArc * Usage: drawPathfinderArc(start, end, color); * -------------------------------------------- * Draws a line on the screen connecting the two specified coordinate * positions using the indicated color. */ void drawPathfinderArc(const GPoint& start, const GPoint& end, const string& color);
/** * Function: addButton * Usage: addButton(name, actionFn); * addButton(name, actionFn, data); * --------------------------------------- * Adds a button to the window and assigns it an action function. * When the button is clicked, the program will invoke * * actionFn() * or * actionFn(data) * * depending on whether the data parameter is supplied. The data * parameter is passed by reference, so that the action function * can modify the program state. */ void addButton(const string& name, void (*actionFn)());
template <typename ClientType> void addButton(const string& name, void (*actionFn)(ClientType& data), ClientType& data);
/** * Function: defineClickListener * Usage: defineClickListener(clickFn); * defineClickListener(clickFn, data); * ------------------------------------------ * Designates a function that will be called whenever the user * clicks the mouse in the graphics window. If a click listener * has been specified by the program, the event loop will invoke * * clickFn(pt) * * or * * clickFn(pt, data) * * depending on whether the data parameter is supplied. In either * case, pt is the GPoint at which the click occurred and data * is a parameter of any type appropriate to the application. The * data parameter is passed by reference, so that the click function * can modify the program state. */ void defineClickListener(void (*actionFn)(const GPoint& pt));
template <typename ClientType> void defineClickListener(void (*actionFn)(const GPoint& pt, ClientType & data), ClientType & data);
/** * Function: pathfinderEventLoop * Usage: pathfinderEventLoop(); * ----------------------------- * Initiates a loop that repeatedly waits for the user to click * on a button and calls the action function associated with that * button. Moreover, if the client has registered a click listener, * pathfinderEventLoop will call that listener whenever the mouse is * clicked inside the window. * * Note that pathfinderEventLoop never returns, so programs that need * to exit on user command need to call the exit() function in the * standard libraries. */ void pathfinderEventLoop();
/** * Function: getMouseClick * Usage: pt = getMouseClick(); * ---------------------------- * Waits for the user to click somewhere on the graphics window * and returns the coordinate of where the click took place. */
GPoint getMouseClick();
#include "pathfinder-graphics-impl.h"
/** * File: pqueue-impl.h * Original implementation by eroberts * Last modified on Sat Nov 03 16:33:00 PST 2012 by jcain * ------------------- * This file provides a Vector-based implementation of the * pqueue.h interface. */
/** * Implementation notes: PQueue constuctor and destructor * ------------------------------------------------------ * All the work for the constructor and destructor is done by the * Vector class. */
template <typename Type> PQueue<Type>::PQueue() {}
template <typename Type> PQueue<Type>::~PQueue() {}
/** * Implementation notes: size, isEmpty, clear * ------------------------------------------ * These implementations simply forward the request to the * underlying Vector object. */
template <typename Type> int PQueue<Type>::size() const { return entries.size(); }
template <typename Type> bool PQueue<Type>::isEmpty() const { return entries.isEmpty(); }
/** * Implementation notes: enqueue * ----------------------------- * This function finds where to insert a new element into the * queue and then calls insertAt to put it there. Because * items are removed from the end of the queue, the highest * priority elements must be stored at the end of the queue. * Moreover, to ensure that elements obey the first-in/first-out * discipline when they have the same priority, the function must * insert each new element before any with the same priority. * Keep in mind that the base type of the vector is pqEntryT, * which contains both the element and the priority. */
template <typename Type> void PQueue<Type>::enqueue(const Type& elem, double priority) { int pos = 0; while (pos < entries.size() && entries[pos].priority > priority) { pos++; } entry ent = {elem, priority}; entries.insert(pos, ent); }
/** * Implementation notes: extractMin, peek * -------------------------------------- * These functions must check for an empty queue and report an * error if there are no entries. */
template <typename Type> Type PQueue<Type>::extractMin() { if (isEmpty()) error("extractMin: Attempting to extractMin from an empty queue."); int lastIndex = entries.size() - 1; Type result = entries[lastIndex].elem; entries.remove(lastIndex); return result; }
template <typename Type> const Type& PQueue<Type>::peek() const { if (isEmpty()) error("peek: Attempting to peek at an empty queue."); return entries[entries.size() - 1].elem; }
/** * File: pqueue.h * Original interface by eroberts * Last modified on Sat Nov 03 16:33:00 PST 2012 by jcain * ---------------------------------------------------------- * This file provides the interface to the PQueue class, which * implements a simple priority queue. */
#ifndef _pqueue_ #define _pqueue_
#include "vector.h"
/** * Class: PQueue * ------------- * This class that models a priority queue, which is similar to a * traditional queue except that the elements are inserted in * order of priority. As in conventional English usage, lower * priority numbers correspond to higher priorities, so that a * priority 1 item must take precedence over a priority 2 item. */
template <typename Type> class PQueue { public:
/** * Constructor: PQueue * Usage: PQueue<int> pq; * ---------------------- * The constructor initializes a new priority queue containing * elements of the specified type. */ PQueue();
/** * Destructor: ~PQueue * Usage: (usually implicit) * ------------------------- * The destructor deallocates storage associated with this queue. */ ~PQueue();
/** * Method: size * Usage: nElems = pq.size(); * -------------------------- * Returns the number of elements in this priority queue. */ int size() const;
/** * Method: isEmpty * Usage: if (pq.isEmpty()) . . . * ------------------------------ * Returns true if this priority queue contains no elements, * and false otherwise. */ bool isEmpty() const;
/** * Method: enqueue * Usage: pq.enqueue(element); * --------------------------------- * This method adds element to the priority queue, using operator< * to decide which elements have higher priority. Rather than relying * on operator< to determine priority, the interface just asks that the * client supply the priority. */ void enqueue(const Type& elem, double priority);
/** * Method: extractMin * Usage: first = pq.extractMin(); * ---------------------------- * This method removes the highest-priority element from this queue * and returns it. */ Type extractMin();
/** * Method: peek * Usage: first = pq.peek(); * ------------------------- * This method returns the value of highest-priority element in this * queue, without removing it. */ const Type& peek() const;
private: struct entry { Type elem; double priority; }; Vector<entry> entries; };
#include "pqueue-impl.h"