10 la palmă şi-oprit… că poate Iranu’ da nu vrea!

George Bush

The President looked awful. He stood puffy-eyed, stoop-shouldered, in front of the press corps discussing the stunning new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that Iran halted its nuclear-weapons program in 2003.He looked as if he’d spent the night throwing chairs around the Situation Room. A reporter noted that he seemed dispirited, and the President joked, “This is like — all of a sudden, it’s like Psychology 101, you know?” He added, “No, I’m feeling pretty spirited, pretty good about life, and I made the decision to come before you so I can explain the NIE.” And then, defiantly, “And so, kind of Psychology 101 ain’t working. It’s just not working. I understand the issues, I clearly see the problems, and I’m going to use the NIE to continue to rally the international community for the sake of peace.” And then he walked out.

Articolul integral în Time de săptămâna viitoare

  1. Urmeaza sa aflam ca Osama bin Laden a murit de infarct acum 4 ani.
    Nu e surprinzator sa iasa povestea la iveala la sfarsit de mandat si fara sanse ca succesorul sa fie tot republican ?
    Nu de alta, dar un succesor democrat ar fi tipat ca din gura de sarpe.

    Morala: dubios.

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