După o primă ieşire în stradă, găzduită de Olah Gyarfas în magazinul său de la Curtea Sticlarilor, Fabrique, magazinul de ţoale online, recidivează:
Fabrique is proud to invite you this week, starting 16th of September 2008, at Rozalb de Mura STORE, for our second event of the month.
Fabrique stays on 70% off on almost every spring/summer ’08 product. And it stays till Midnight, of course.
Bonus: Special preview of KTZ and Marjan Pejoski Fall/Winter 08-09 collection!
16th to 18th of September 2008
From 11.00am till Midnight
Rozalb de Mura STORE
Selari 9-11, 1st Floor (Curtea Sticlarilor – Lipscani Area)
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