Semnează pentru reducerea încălzirii globale!

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Last week, Avaaz members flooded the European Parliament with tens of thousands of emails and phone calls in the hours before a crucial vote on the EU climate and energy package. It worked, people power beat the industry lobbyists to win a package better than many had hoped for. But now, this victory if under threat.

Tomorrow and Thursday, European leaders will meet at the EU Summit to sign-off on the climate and energy package. But with the financial crisis topping the agenda, there are worrying signs that Europe’s leaders will step back from both the Parliament’s vote and their own earlier commitments. So let’s send them a flood of messages, to stay strong on climate change.

Mai multe detalii despre ce poţi face găseşti aici.

    stiu ce inseamna aceasta munca si mai ales inteleg foarte bine dragostea lui pt mediu!
    si tatal meu s-a ocupat de ocrotirea naturii infiintand rezervatii naturale in judetul Suceava ( Taras Seghedin ), insa, din pacate nu a fost apreciat de natia noastra.
    a fost mult mai cunoscut in strainatate decat la noi. a scris carti, a fost premiat de Academia romana….
    S-a opus taierii copacilor, a suferit ca nu a putut face mai mult si, din pacate, s-a stins din viata.
    Sigur se bucura de acolo de sus ca mai sunt persoane dornice de a ocroti natura.
    cu stima,


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