This be the verse

La supermarket, un pusti voia sa se vopseasca pe fata. Mai erau si alti pusti vopsiti, foarte haiosi. Superoferta de la clovnul Bombonel (va jur, asa scria pe el). Ta-su il trage de mana si-l refuza nervos cu voce baritonala: Hai o data ca-ncepe meciul!

Somehow, cred ca era genul care, dupa meci, se duce si la Inviere.

Mai jos, dedicatia mea de Resurrection. Nici El nu se avea bine cu Ta-su.

This be the verse

They fuck you up your mom and dad
They may not mean to, but they do;
They give you all the faults they had,
And add some new ones just for you.

They were fucked up in their time
By fools in old style hats and coats,
Who half the time were sloppy stern,
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man,
It deepens like a coastal shelf,
Get out as quickly as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.

Philip Larkin

Si, desigur, Ghetsemani din Jesus Christ Superstar:

I only want to say,
if there is a way,
take this cup away from me
for I don’t want to taste its poison,
feel it burn me…
I have changed,
I’m not as sure
as when we started…

Then I was inspired,
now I’m sad and tired.
Listen, surely I’ve exceeded
tried for three years…
Seems like thirty…

Could you ask as much
from any other man?

Can you show me now
that I would not be killed in vain?
Show me just a little
of your omnipresent brain!
Show me there’s a reason
for your wanting me to die!
You’re far too keen on where and how
But not so hot on why…

Alright!! I’ll die!
Just watch me die!
See how, see how I die!
Oh, just watch me die!

Then I was inspired,
now I’m sad and tired…
After all I’ve tried for three years,
seems like ninety…
Why then am I scared
to finish what I started…
what you started
I didn’t start it!

God, thy will is hard,
but you hold every card…
I will drink your cup of poison!
Nail me to your cross and break me!
Bleed me, beat me,
Kill me, take me now!
Before I change my mind…

  1. 🙂 a fost un pic de ironie, recunosc. dar comentariul este sincer-sincer. Happy Easter to you too! la birou am primit mesaje pe email cu urarea “Happy Eastern” de la colegii mei turci, care nefiind crestini au incercat sa-si exprime intr-un fel apropierea. altfel, credinta mea in Iisus ramane nestirbita. si daca n-ar fi fost Fiul Domnului/ Omului inainte de rastignire, dupa a devenit oricum. ii multumesc ca ne-a invatat sa iubim, sa iertam.

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