3 employees, one from Microsoft, one from Sun computers, and one from Apple are in a restroom, at the urinals. When the Microsoft employee is done, he washes his hands and dries his hands completely with like 10 paper towels. “At Microsoft,” he says, “we’re very thorough.” The Sun employee finishes, washes his hands, dries them with 1 paper towel. “At Sun we’re very thorough AND very efficient.” The Apple engineer leaves without washing his hands, and says “At Apple, we don’t piss on our hands”
Young man (after seeing Churchill leave the bathroom without washing his hands): At Eton they taught us to wash our hands after using the toilet.
Churchill: At Harrow they taught us not to piss on our hands.
Pentru apple am eu o gluma buna:
3 employees, one from Microsoft, one from Sun computers, and one from Apple are in a restroom, at the urinals. When the Microsoft employee is done, he washes his hands and dries his hands completely with like 10 paper towels. “At Microsoft,” he says, “we’re very thorough.” The Sun employee finishes, washes his hands, dries them with 1 paper towel. “At Sun we’re very thorough AND very efficient.” The Apple engineer leaves without washing his hands, and says “At Apple, we don’t piss on our hands”
lol, cum circulă bancurile
ăsta i se atribuie şi lui churchill:
Young man (after seeing Churchill leave the bathroom without washing his hands): At Eton they taught us to wash our hands after using the toilet.
Churchill: At Harrow they taught us not to piss on our hands.
:: aici
Ca sa vezi…Sa mai zicem ca apar bancuri noi! Se reshapeaza prea mult…
Nu am stiut si cu ocazia asta am mai adaugat ceva la cunostiinte.
Vechi, vechi … “adevaratii” au trecut deja pe OpenSolaris sau *BSD (FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD)