Strange bedfellows

Un text mai vechi din The Economist despre colaborarea dintre societatea civilă verde şi companii (mulţumesc, Mircea!):

Activists and companies can move from confrontation to co-operation.

(…) Firms are keen to form partnerships with environmental groups precisely to avoid being accused of “greenwashing”. Besides providing expertise, activists can lend credibility to a company’s environmental programmes. Whether activists are “selling out” when they deal with big firms is the subject of much debate.

Yet alliances between companies and activists are not as strange as they might seem. For bosses planning long-term capital investments, says Michael Lenox, an expert on corporate sustainability at Duke University, “uncertainty is more damaging than regulation.” This puts bosses in the same boat as activists: both want regulators to hurry up and set the rules. “We can’t solve these big global challenges without business engagement,” says Mr Cramer, “and business can’t operate without solving these problems. So there is philosophical alignment.”

Even so, there is a limit to how much voluntary action can achieve, says James Speth, dean of Yale’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. In a new book, “The Bridge at the Edge of the World”, he argues that environmental externalities are an unavoidable feature of capitalism, and that bosses are trapped in a system that requires them to act unsustainably when they have the chance. “In the end,” he says, “a responsible company is one that is required to be responsible by law.” But until regulators act, companies may find that teaming up with activists is the best hedge against uncertainty.

:: Citeşte articolul integral

  1. Da, orice individ implicat in activitati care pot atinge interese mari (si nu ma refer numai la ecologie) poate ajunge in postura de a fi folosit fara sa vrea in a conferi credibilitate.
    Asa ca si tu ai grija cum iti expui persoana. La un moment dat nu mai ai libertatea de a nu iti pasa, pentru ca reprezinti un concept.

  2. apropo de articolul mentionat mai sus si de ceea ce faci in MaiMultVerde, continua ca este admirabil si mai ales necesar, indiferent de ceea ce zic altii, am citit un alt articol interesant in Romania Libera de azi, 25.06. a lui Dinu Flamand vis-a-vis de consumersim si dezvoltarea durabila. facea referire la o carte a unei cercetatore din Franta, Genevieve Ferone , la editura Grasset&Fasquelle, 2030 :Le krach ecologique. sper sa fie tradusa si la noi cat de curand.

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