Sărbători liniştite!

I only want to say
If there is a way
Take this cup away from me
For I don’t want to taste its poison
Feel it burn me

I have changed – I’m not as sure
As when we started

Then I was inspired
Now I’m sad and tired
Listen, surely I’ve exceeded
Tried for three years
Seems like thirty
Could you ask as much
From any other man?

But if I die
See the saga through
And do the things you ask of me
Let them hate me, hit me, hurt me
Nail me to their tree
I’d want to know
I’d want to know my God
I’d want to see
I’d want to see my God
Why I should die?

Would I be more noticed
Than I ever was before?
Would the things I’ve said and done
Matter any more?

I’d have to know
I’d have to know my Lord
I’d have to see
I’d have to see my Lord
If I die what will be my reward?

I’d have to know
I’d have to know my Lord
Why, why should I die?
Oh, why should I die?

Can you show me now
That I would not be killed in vain?
Show me just a little
Of your omnipresent brain
Show me there’s a reason
For your wanting me to die
You’re far too keen on where and how
But not so hot on why

Alright I’ll die!
Just watch me die!
See how, see how I die!
Oh, just watch me die!

Then I was inspired
Now I’m sad and tired
After all I’ve tried for three years
Seems like ninety
Why then am I scared
To finish what I started
What you started
I didn’t start it

God thy will is hard
But you hold every card
I will drink your cup of poison
Nail me to your cross and break me
Bleed me, beat me
Kill me, take me now
Before I change my mind

  1. Da, foooooarte frumos. Da, ma tot intorc si eu la Jesus Christ Superstar. Incepe pe la Florii cu Hossana…
    Varianta 1973 e grozava si imi aminteste de tinerete. Mi-a facut placere sa o gasesc si aici.

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